Tasmanian Truffles


One cold winter’s afternoon in 1999, Australia’s first black truffle was harvested from the rich soil of their Deloraine farm. Since then, Tasmanian Truffles has become the country’s premium producer of exquisite black truffles and premium truffle products.

Meet the creator of Tasmanian Truffles and purchase your own fresh truffle and truffle products such as:

  • Truffle Oil - Award-winning truffle infused Tasmanian olive oil
  • Truffle Balsamic - A soft and velvety balsamic vinegar combined with the earthy flavour of black truffle
  • Truffle Mustard - A honey infused truffle mustard that delivers a heavenly combination of sharp and sweet flavours
  • Truffle Salt - A combination of truffle and sea salt making for a versatile addition to the pantry
  • Truffle Creme - A beautifully crafted truffle crème with the rich and earthy flavours of truffle combined with subtle mushroom undertones
  • Truffle Honey - The finest quality Tasmanian leatherwood honey and black truffle